Current State of NTR:BSS

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It has been ages since I update anything here. I normally provide devlogs at my patreon. But overall I still did very poor job informing the public about the status of the game. So here I am today. I'm going to post a series of details explanation of what I've been doing for the game. Feel free to comment and provide feedbacks. In this post, I will clarify the history of the game and explain the overall approach of the game.

I got inspired by 2 media. The first was a game by "impy" called "Summer Sweepers", which is heavily NTR-based. 

When searching for NTR games, you will fine tons of Renpy-based games. Personally, I enjoy some of them. However, when I played "summer sweepers", it gave me more immersive vibes. The micro-management from the game mechanics and the AIs made feels like the MC is busy with something while missing out on other things. That's really oblivious and enjoyable. The graphics of Summer Sweepers were not the best, but I was compensated by interesting game mechanics. So I kinda want to provide the game with similar vibe. Low graphics but engaging game mechanics.

The second source of inspiration come from a very popular hentai called "Chitose". If you are not into NTR, please do not look it up. But if you like NTR, this probably one of the best (and the worst for some people). I did more research and found out that some people won't even call it NTR !!! They call it BSS, which stands for " Boku ga Saki ni Suki datta no ni". It can be roughly translated to "Even though I like her first". So technically, Summer Sweepers is more of BSS. However, many people put BSS in the sub-category of NTR. 

This game was originally called "Voyage of a Voyuer" or "VoyVoy" in the old game files. I really like the name of the game, but I feel like voyeuristic nature is not really the key of the game. So I renamed it "Naughty Time Rendering: Ballad of Sweet Summertime" (NTR:BSS). 

I have spent almost a year working on the game. There were ups and downs, which I'll tell you in details in the subsequent updates. But I wasted so much efforts on trying to implement the game using "pygame" due to game dev background. The code was messier than a ball of entangled  spaghetti. 

After t hat I changed to text-based RPG, which is much more manageable for the first demo. But since the day I discovered SRPG maker, I have been using it. 

I ended up going through 4 revisions for character designs. I commissioned 2 of them which costs me quite a fortune. It was my first time doing this kind of things so the experience really taught me tons of lessons. 

Now, I just finish with all of my art assets. All I have left for the first demo was to implement the game mechanics in SRPG and finish the dialogue scenes. 

Get Naughty Time Rendering: Bittersweet Summer Saga

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